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Single Hose Diver Responses to the Double Hose Reg

Thu Oct 03, 2019 12:58 pm

I was curious to know what responses you've received on using the double hose reg?

I've been using the Kraken for the last couple of years on the dive boats and love the vintage value. Most divers on the boat don't take any notice to it, however, there's a 50/50 split on those that do. Half have the response of "Way cool!" and make references to Sea Hunt. While the other half look at it with dubious concern as if it were a toy and I'm putting my life in danger. There's nothing that could be said that will inhibit me on using it as I'm totally hooked and loving every minute. Just curious on what you all have experienced.

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Re: Single Hose Diver Responses to the Double Hose Reg

Thu Oct 03, 2019 1:11 pm

cfischer21 wrote:
Thu Oct 03, 2019 12:58 pm
... While the other half look at it with dubious concern as if it were a toy and I'm putting my life in danger.
First, welcome to the Board. I love my Kraken too.

A while back, while using my Kraken, a guy came up to me and, unsolicited, made a point of telling me how dangerous DH regulators were and that I was a fool and an idiot for using one when there are such modern hi-tech single hose regs available. I simply looked at him and said, “You sir, are a troglodyte” and jumped overboard. I was told by a friend later that he was immediately on his phone Googling the term. :)
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Re: Single Hose Diver Responses to the Double Hose Reg

Thu Oct 03, 2019 2:40 pm

I dive modernized old DH regs and have a Series 1 Kraken.

Using them, I've ended up in a couple FB posts and web pages.....

Pretty much accepted, and always curious questions and looks from divers, and glee from retired divers. The only off flavor comments are from the local dive shop owner/instructor expressing his superiority to the students whom he doesn't want making any contact with me. He gets real uncomfortable when they start asking him questions about my gear.... I always will chat with the students. I will also offer a test dive, but as of yet, haven't had takers....

Once the Charter Captain or the DM sees the octo, pressure gauge, and a lpi/wing, there is only the response of "cool", have fun.

Truth be told, many have thought it is a rebreather...

The Germans in Curacao were really interested in my '58 DA with a Phoenix, and all the other modernizations....

Have fun! I do.

No Longer Awaiting my Kraken.....

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Re: Single Hose Diver Responses to the Double Hose Reg

Thu Oct 03, 2019 3:02 pm

I was coming out of the water one day after a nice dive with one of my Snark 3's, when a new diver with all his shiny new unscratched gear, came up to me and said "my instructor told me if I dive with one of those regulators I'd die." The puzzled look on his face when I responded "I'd go get your money back on that class because your instructor is an idiot", was priceless.

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Re: Single Hose Diver Responses to the Double Hose Reg

Thu Oct 03, 2019 7:57 pm

One time, I put a bucket on the table where I had my gear. On the bucket I had a sign - "New Dive Gear Fund - Contributions Appreciated".....

No Longer Awaiting my Kraken.....

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Re: Single Hose Diver Responses to the Double Hose Reg

Fri Oct 04, 2019 8:07 pm

I haven’t bought a kraken yet, but I’ve akready dealt with the LDS guy being upset that I rebuilt my Vintage Scubapro mk7 which he basically told me would kill me. He liked the 109 2nd stage just five but only if HE rebuilt it with his own poppet.
I’m curious how often you service the kraken and if you do it yourself, does the lds guy go nuts and refuse to sell you air. Or worse, a boat captain refuse to let you dive because a LDS didn’t service it (assuming you were foolish enough to mention this).

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Re: Single Hose Diver Responses to the Double Hose Reg

Sat Oct 05, 2019 1:58 pm

I haven't had any issue with an AK, I get the normal questions and the like but so far no negative responces. Most of us service our own regs, be they single hose or double. Reg service is not rocket science and there is no need for an "expert" to service regs.....wonder if your LDS services his own that's dangerous since their failure kills not only you but every one in the car and others as well. Basically, I don't ask and don't tell unless pressed.

The AK, like all my other regs gets serviced when it starts to show some signs that its in need of attention, not on some schedule. I check the IP and cracking pressure fairly often and always before a big trip. If something looks flaky it gets serviced. That said, if it's been 5-6 years since it's been serviced, I will usually service it just because. I once serviced a guys Conshelf (which uses the same basic guts as a AK) that he had owned since it was new and had never serviced it, he wanted to see how long it would go. I don't recall the exact age when it failed but it was in the 35-40 year range. It hard failed during a dive, started free flowning. The failure was because of a defective HP seat that had been recalled as it was prone to failure (but never replaced in his reg) many years earlier. All the other internal parts were still fine and would likely be going today had the seat not failed. I wouldn't recommend waiting that long but it does show how long they can go and still function many years do you car brakes go (same kind of seals) without being rebuilt (not talking about the pads). It can easily be argued that the conditions those brake seals work in are a much harsher environment

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Re: Single Hose Diver Responses to the Double Hose Reg

Tue Oct 08, 2019 12:17 pm

The most surprising response I've had is none at all. I had heard the horror stories of boat captains, shop owners, instructors, dive site operators, etc. refusing to let divers dive with vintage gear. But for the most part, I've had no problems whatsoever. Last winter I dove my AK at Dutch Spring, on several boats in Pompano Beach, and even Ginnie Springs (in open water). I've been diving my DAAM and my Healthways Gold all Spring and Summer at Dutch Springs and in the Thousand Islands with equally little fanfare. My latest setup includes double steel 45s with a vintage ScubPro manifold and the Healthways single stage DH reg. I carry an AL30 pony with inflator, 1 second stage, and a gauge to mitigate anyone hassling me about no LP accessories or gauge on the doubles, but nobody has even mentioned it as an issue. Likewise, I have been using a horse collar BC with my wetsuit and no bladder at all if I wear a drysuit (using the suit for buoyancy control). Nobody has had any problem with it.

The only comments I have received from anyone who has actually even noticed the DH regs go something like "Is that a rebreather?" to which my usual response is something like, "look: no canister, no counterlung, no O2... so no, not a rebreather. But look how cool this 60 year old regulator is... wanna try it?" No takers so far. Every once in a while I get a comment from someone who has a DH, but is not actually diving it. Maybe this will encourage them to break it out and have some fun with it.

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Re: Single Hose Diver Responses to the Double Hose Reg

Tue Oct 22, 2019 7:26 pm

I've never been hassled up here in the pacific northwest, but then again 99% of my diving is shore diving.

I did get hassled a few times in Florida, but in retrospect, some of the most incompetent divers I've ever met were on vacation in Florida from somewhere else and only dived like once a year. I got asked not to come back on a dive boat because I used a Mistral with no BC or SPG by a boat captain in Florida, due to "liability." I had several steel 72's that Florida shops would not fill, but they were always shops where I didn't know anyone. The shops I worked at when I lived in Florida were all vintage friendly. When I say vintage gear I mean real vintage gear too, as in no SPG, no BC, a j-valve, etc. Like straight 1960s. The AK is largely viewed as a modern regulator I think, because it does "all the regulator things."

I've never had a problem anywhere else, including Hawaii or overseas locations. These days, you'd have to be suicidal as a dive business to turn someone down. Dive shops are dropping like 27 year old rock stars these days.
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