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Sand Dog VIII - let the planning begin!!

Mon Apr 26, 2010 11:19 am

Sand Dog VII was a lot of fun as always and sorry some of you missed it. The venue for Sand Dog VIII was discussed and we decided to do something a little different next year. Sand Dog VIII is going international and will to be held on Bonaire, shore diving capital of the world. I anticipate it will be the most vintage friendly venue yet. As some of you know, I travel to Bonaire fairly often so I was railroaded…I mean elected :) to organize next year’s trip. Since this trip will be somewhat different in some respects I thought it would be a good idea to present my ideas for Sand Dog VIII early and get your input. The dates are open at this point but it will still be in the late March to early April time frame. This is what I am thinking about.
Due to the cost of airfare SD VIII will be a weeklong event instead of the normal long weekend. As such, the cost will be somewhat higher, esp. for those of us who usually drive to the event. Unlike venues in the past, you will also need a passport. The good news is along with the higher cost comes a lot more diving freedom than we typically have, there are not dive nannies or scuba police on Bonaire and the number of dives you can do is mainly limited to your stamina, 6 or more per day are possible.
I already have a resort in mind that I think will be a good fit for us but I am open to suggestions. It’s smaller, on the water and has a layout that is conducive to gathering together when we are not diving. There is a pool on site and a nice public beach nearby for nondiving family and the snorkeling is very good off the resort dock. There is a nice reef at the resort, unlimited air and nitrox available 24 hrs a day and an onsite dive shop. I have a spy checking out the resort soon and if he thinks it’s a good match for us, I will work on the details with the resort. I have a trip planed to Bonaire in June so I can discuss the details with the resort in person. If all works as I anticipate it will, I will announce the resort in July.
What I would like from all of you is a rough idea of how many think they would be likely to attend and how many would be coming with you. In other words, do you think you will attend and if so will your wife/children/mother-in-law be coming with you. I would like to get a rough count so I have an idea of how many rooms we will need. Obviously I do not have an exact price for the trip but I can give you an educated guess at to the cost to help you decide if you can make it. Here is the breakdown:
Room/rental truck/unlimited shore diving (nitrox is included) and taxes will be in the $725pp range for divers/ $575 non-divers
Island fees: Park diving fee $25 and airport exit tax $35
Food is on par with most major cities. The rooms I am considering are fully equipped condos so we usually buy breakfast and lunch foods and eat a good evening meal.
Airfare is unpredictable but on average from Raleigh NC I have gotten airfare from the low $500s to close to $800 with around $700 being the average.
After doing a lot of these trips, my total bill is usually in the $1500-1600pp range, YMMV.
I open to any and all suggestions. If you have questions please feel free to ask, either here, via a PM or email.

I am going to try to make this the best Sand Dog yet.

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Re: Sand Dog VIII - let the planning begin!!

Mon Apr 26, 2010 8:55 pm

Hey, Herman dont forget SAND DOG has been international for some time now already. We can't forget SAND DOG at UNEXSO.

Thanks in advance for doing some of the leg work for us on the BONAIRE SD. You have some GIANT shoes to fill as Allan has done such a great job for many of our SAND DOGS in the past. I am sure that Allan will if asked be more than happy to help or give suggestions if you feel you need them.

Barb and I went to Bonaire in 04 and we loved it. I am glad that SD is going to be there in 2011.

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Re: Sand Dog VIII - let the planning begin!!

Mon Apr 26, 2010 9:32 pm

Well, for those of us that have to fly to Sand Dog, going to Bonaire can easily be a large cost savings. I just finished paying all the bills for the Florida trip and we could have spent two weeks in Bonaire for what we spent in Florida.

Even though the flight to Florida is cheaper than to Bonaire, the cost of boat diving added up in a hurry, and then you add the extra cost of Nitrox. Then there is the cost of car rental and I was also shocked at the cost of food in the Keys. We did eat at Mrs. Macs several times (thanks Herman, for the recommendation), but even that was not real cheap.

For us it doesn’t make sense to fly anywhere with Scuba gear for just a weekend. To justify the cost of flying and the hassle of flying we need to plan on a week of diving.

We are looking forward to going to Bonaire again.
Thanks Herman

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Re: Sand Dog VIII - let the planning begin!!

Tue Apr 27, 2010 12:07 am

Sounds like fun, but out of my range. I don't have vacation so am limited by how far I can drive on my days off. :( Hopefully I can make Portage next year instead..
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Re: Sand Dog VIII - let the planning begin!!

Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:49 am

Waffle House, good food, meals less than 4 bucks.

I would hope if I were to get to go to Bonaire, that the hotel would be nice, on the water, pool, a pier and on site beach diving and boats at least nearby or preferably at the hotel and at least partly included.

I know you guys are into hiking in but I like to get on a nice boat with a crew to handle things.

It may come down to a choice for me between Bonaire and us taking our own boat to the Keys, I do have a rain check at Silent World to cash in.


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Re: Sand Dog VIII - let the planning begin!!

Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:39 am

The resort you are describing sounds great so far. If you can give us some details and perhaps photos or site links when you return that would be great. It's really hard to have a bad time in Bonaire no matter where you go.
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Re: Sand Dog VIII - let the planning begin!!

Tue Apr 27, 2010 1:38 pm

N, if the place I have in mind works, it has all you are asking for. The room to the dock walk is maybe 75 ft and tanks are located beside the dock. I do ask that before anyone writes off the trip as too expensive, that you at least do a realistic evaluation of the cost as compared to other trips. The real equalizer is the cost of diving. At SD VII a 2 tank dive was around $90 when you add nitrox and taxes. Doing 4 dives a day for 3 days at SD VII cost just under $550 or about 1/3 of what I anticipate the entire Bonaire trip to cost. At SD VIII it will be possible to do 6 dives a day, more if you come out just long enough to swap tanks, plus dawn and night dives are included at no extra cost, all of which can be on nitrox if you choose. If you look at it from a $/minute of bottom time the value becomes greater. My average dive on Bonaire is 75 minutes with some going as long as 90 minutes. I have dove with some of you enough to confidently say your times will be in that same range.
My spy is down either now or will be going shortly and is the perfect person to evaluate the resort for us. I have stayed there before so I know it's layout and unless I am mistaken the dive shop manager is an acquaintance of mine whom I have had vintage diving discussions with in the past, he was all for it. If my spy thinks it’s good, I will post a link to the resort and some personal photos I shot of the place last April.

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Re: Sand Dog VIII - let the planning begin!!

Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:41 pm

Thank you for your efforts.

Night dives, now we are talking :!:

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Re: Sand Dog VIII - let the planning begin!!

Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:52 pm

A friend of mine, who loves to dive, had 24 hours of bottom time in Bonaire during his one week stay. That's no S**t. He has an SAC like Luis or Allan. Not a flunky like myself. I have not been to Bonaire. Everything I've heard about it is top notch diving at a reasonable price. If I can make it I surely will.


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Re: Sand Dog VIII - let the planning begin!!

Tue Apr 27, 2010 7:42 pm

My average BT is 75 minutes and I average 24+ dives on a trip so I have done 24+ hrs on a trip as well. In my younger days when I got in 5 and 6 dives I did better than that.

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Re: Sand Dog VIII - let the planning begin!!

Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:08 pm

Nemrod wrote:Thank you for your efforts.

Night dives, now we are talking :!:

You can do as many night dives per night as you like... you can also do sunrise or pre-dawn dives every morning if you like. :)

The access to diving is better than a live aboard.

The health of the reefs and the marine life is also some of the best you can find anywhere.

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Re: Sand Dog VIII - let the planning begin!!

Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:27 pm

Sounds like a blast! Gotta start scraping pennies together for this one.
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Re: Sand Dog VIII - let the planning begin!!

Sat May 01, 2010 11:32 pm

I would really like to go to this, but it all depends on Anna. If she does not get back until a week or two after Bonaire, I may have to wait for her to get back instead. We will have to see as we get closer.
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Re: Sand Dog VIII - let the planning begin!!

Sun May 02, 2010 7:03 pm

I got back from Bonaire yesterday and stayed at Belmar Apartments. Very, very nice place with Nitrox within 25' of any vehicle or a short cart push to their excellent dock and top notch reef. Air-only tanks are available 5' from the steps to the dock so that issue is solved. I opted for a package of 11 boat dives which may seem excessive with so many shore locations, but the total cost of the package for 7 nights with the dives was $622. After attempting some of the shore dives with my SLR housing and double Ike 125 strobes, I would again do the boat dives. I am sure there are a few sandy shore entries, but I didn't seem to locate any.
Best idea for eating is to buy groceries and cook yourself. Not that the restaurants don't have great meals, they do, however, prices were more on the upper side than cheap. Also, which made it very difficult was that many of the places do NOT do separate checks. We did have an accountant in the group who was able to spread sheet everything and able to come up with who owes who at the end of the week.
Diving was good. Water temp at 82 degrees. No current to speak of, and very slight chop to the seas. Viz was ok, not quite Cozumel standards. The reefs are in very good condition mostly due to the DMs (boat dives) who were observant and noted if you touched the reef incorrectly. I had a great group to dive with and being the "old guy with the antique gear" received kind words everywhere.
Big critters were scarce. Did see a nice Eagle Ray and a few turtles. We mostly saw the usual reef fish or eels and an occasional rarity in a scorpion, frogfish, squid or Barracuda was spotted.
When I got there, a past vintage participant and I discussed the location as a possible Sand Dog venue. We both agree that Bonaire would be ok, but with both of us primarily into photography, we would definitely op for boat dives.
As for activities outside of diving, Bonaire for me was not top. Town is very small, with not a lot of various things to do. I imagine if one really hunted around, sites could be found of interest. I did like watching the sail boarding on the east side, especially those boarders who were staying at the nudist resort next to the bar we visited.
Personally, before we commit to Bonaire, I might like a little more insight into other places or staying at all inclusive resorts that would make the overall experience more comfortable. Hauling gear into and out of trucks all week got a little bit tiring. Sort of like being home, albeit, the diving is much better. If anyone has any questions or comments about my past week's experience with Bonaire, let me know. I am only one person who has an opinion.
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