JYC's Silent World --In Russian!

Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:21 am

I also have a number of foreign editions of JYC's "The Silent World," US, British, German, Norwegian. a one language I have no idea what it is.

I recently discovered and purchased a copy of the Silent World in Russian from Amazon.com for about $20.00 US. I have been hesitant to mention this to you since I am totally un familiar with Russian and really could not verify its title or content.

However,Debbie Lecocq who has a degree in Russian some what verified the title with her 30 year absence from studying Russian in the classroom

Recently we attended classical piano concert by a Russian woman Natalia Kartashova. As every one was gathered around her, congratulating her, I thrust the Silent World copy towards her...She immediately brightened up and exclaimed in English "The Silent World! "

She identified the first line on the cover in largest print is "Jacques Cousteau's" and in smaller print below it reads "Silent World."
The book is a hard back photo cover (with out a jacket) very poor typical Russian paper stock, no photos and only a few line drawings--but worth the price just to have in the book case.

I believe there are more of them for sale-- so if interested go for it!


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